Tuesday, 23 August 2011

POEM: Feel Zen, feel me....

Friday, 19 August 2011

POEM: The Cottoned Light, Self Gravity!

Sunday, 14 August 2011

PSYCHOLOGICAL INSIGHT: My Experiences of Synchronicity; Defining Carl G. Jung

This is where so many times and even too often Synchronicity (sometimes without being aware of it initially but afterwards) comes alive for me, even though it has happened so many times it still gives me the jitters each new time it occurs, again and again!

By jitters I mean heart touching; shocked by the discover; surprised in an eerie way; nerves running, firing but not sure where; yet still acknowledging the fact that I know it has been happening or is going to happen! That conscious/unconscious find!

Strangely when it happens I spend me, myself and I; trying to get my head around it, each time, it slinks away from my grasp, illusively.  For thought is such an illusive thing!!

As Synchronicity is so close to the my heart, the feeling of the power associated to it is scary in an unknowingly odd but yet frighteningly familiar way.  The scary part is not fearful in itself but feels more like a sense of acknowledgement in the journey of the possibilities towards discovering it, as it is a formidable power as Jung and others have conjectured on many occasions.

The intuition, feeling, acceptance that something so massively connected to everyone is so powerfully alive and strong as the breath we breathe, makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand erect.  By being in-tune to it or maybe by it being in-tune to us, sets fire to my philosophical investigations, especially in the experience of touching and finding it.
Consequently these intuitional notions, feelings and ideals of conceptualizations can float through our minds at a phenomenal rate, for the vast opportunity of time, we don't even pay it service when it happens, but when we do, and it is occasional, then ureka! The unconscious/conscious find!

Such an instant again happened to me today.  Synchronicity.  A colleague from work was entering into work, I knew instantly on her coming through the main building front door that she had changed her look, I don't mean a little part of it, but she had gone from the complete blond soft tone image, to nearly the exact opposite of the dark brunette!  Whether it was her own vibe, her nervousness at the anticipation of the reaction of others to her new look, I just simple picked up on it, the thought entered directly into my head and I knew it to be fact. I did question the validity of it in my own mind, but the notion was so strong I just ignored that the concept that it could not be anything else but true. I believe I had picked up on it as soon as she opened the main office building door considering I did not see her for a clear 2 to 3 minutes later, but acknowledged the door as it opened, as I had heard it.  But I just knew that she had a new hairstyle, the colour had been changed and it gave her a complete different look, I was being forced to acknowledge it by myself even though there were niggling doubts which were overshadowed by the urge to know what had been presented to me was true.  Discovering her, I stated "Ah knew you had your image changed she just stared at me mystified!

If you have had any similar experiences please record them in the comment box below, it would be seriously appreciated.  Thank you in advance.  Synchronicity Primed.

Monday, 8 August 2011

PERSONAL INSIGHT: Personally Being - Socially Accepting

MEDICAL DECLINE: Dementia - Alzheimers Disease

Psychological Insight

I have been amazed over the last number of weeks how I have discovered to a level of near insight, how many suffers of Dementia in that I mean Alzheimer's Disease, experience deep levels of an anxiety dominated by fears.
Fearfullness of fear itself I think, an extraordinary misplacement of paranoia that borders on levels of extreme distress and panic.  Panic attacks and anxiety attacks come immediately to mind.  Totally lost to reality.  These fears arrest the sufferer so that they can not experience anything else.  It dominates their mind, their most inner thoughts, strips bare their self-confidence, their manner and way of dealing with everyday life, basic tasks become forgotten, to be replaced by an anxiety of unknown proportions, that consumes them.
For they are consumed by their own fears and lose their souled being to this mania.

We need to urgently look at these conditions that are driving one of the fastest growing diseases in the world.......