Dementia is a creeping, invasive, enemy. Unknown at the beginning when it can take hold of us, when it will strike, secretively invading, plotting the destruction of our most valuable paragons until it reaches its target, the consequences as one can imagine are devastating. It takes from us the precious things we hold so dear, our skills and our abilities to recognize our society we live in, ultimate our way of interacting with what is familiar, our anchors to help us to deal and interact with the world around us. Can you imagine a place without Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, St Paul’s Cathedral, the Tower of London, Iconic memorials, local services, local landmarks, just as those things are being removed from our minds, there in and within, we simply become lost, afraid and disillusioned. All that we know and love, our experiences, all that holds us together, our memories to who and what we have become, slowly gets eaten away. Becoming a faded, an illusive intangible substance, that we can’t quite put a finger on, what was that thing called again (a Kettle), what was her name again (a daughters'), who are you again (a son). Its like a war, our historical constructs, our iconic treasures being blown away, left to dust, never to be seen or remembered by us again, a voice crying struggling to be heard in the dark, "Where am I?" eventually "Who am I and what have I become". And this disease becomes stronger driven by our fears, anxiety, paranoia, and stress of how to deal with such an intangibility, we consequently end up losing the strength to understand, and watch ourselves fade away into a wilderness of the unknown. Our nearest, our dearest, our most treasured, our heart felt and loved ones are always the ones who are first to suffer, the veterans struggling in the dark.
Amy Winehouse
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